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== The first steps ==
== The first steps ==

Kurz nach der Anmeldung kann es dir schon passieren, dass du angegriffen wirst, denn es gibt keinen Anfängerschutz bei MG. Und ein starker Gegner kann dich direkt handlungsunfähig schlagen. Daher sind die ersten Schritte sehr wichtig und sollten schnell ausgeführt werden, direkt nach der Anmeldung.
Shortly after registering, you can be attacked, because there is no beginner protection on MG (on newly started servers or worlds). And a strong opponent can directly knock you out. Therefore, the first steps are very important and should be carried out quickly, directly after registration.
Suche dir daher potentielle Gegner für einen [[Special:MyLanguage/Sicherungskampf|Sicherungskampf]] aus dem [[Special:MyLanguage/Highscore|Highscore]] heraus. Sortiere den Highscore am Besten umgekehrt nach Level (Zwei mal auf "Lvl" klicken) und picke dir ein paar Spieler der gegnerischen Rasse auf Level 1 heraus (idR erkennbar an (Beute: 0.00 Liter Blut)). Klick auf deren Namen, schau dir ihre [[Special:MyLanguage/Skills|Werte]] an. Alle auf 5? Sehr gut, notier dir diese Gegner. Zwei Hand sollten es sein, denn es kann nämlich passieren, dass du den Gegner nicht angreifen kannst. Denn jeder darf nur einmal pro Stunde angegriffen werden. Dies ist auch für dich wichtig, doch dazu später mehr.
Therefore, look for potential opponents for a [[Special:MyLanguage/Sicherungskampf|Security fight]] from the [[Special:MyLanguage/Highscore|Highscore]]. Sort the highscore in reverse order by level (click twice on "Lvl") and pick a few players of the opposing race at level 1 (usually recognizable by (booty: 0.00 liters of blood)). Click on their names, look at their [[Special:MyLanguage/Skills|Values]]. All at 5? Very good, make a note of these opponents. They should be two hands, because you may not be able to attack your opponent. Everyone can only be attacked once an hour. This is important for you too, but more about that later.

=== Gegnersuche ===
=== Search for enemies ===

Dein erster Schritt, den du nach der Anmeldung tun solltest ist, deine Werte zu trainieren. Hier hat jeder seine eigenen Vorlieben, daher sind Tipps wenig sinnvoll. Steiger einfach, wie du es für richtig hältst. Du hast ein Startguthaben von 70 Gold. Kauf dir über die [[Special:MyLanguage/Stadt|Stadt]] beim [[Special:MyLanguage/Warenhändler|Warenhändler]] einen kleinen Lebensenergie-[[Special:MyLanguage/Tränke|Trank]], damit du im Falle eines gegnerischen Angriffs gerüstet bist. Wenn du möchtest beginne mit dem Trainieren der Werte auf 6. Du solltest nicht mehr machen, damit du noch ca. 15 Gold übrig hast. Der nächste Schritt wäre nun ein [[Special:MyLanguage/Kämpfen|Kampf]].
The first step you should take after registration is to train your values. Everyone has their own preferences here, so tips are not very useful. Just increase your values as you see fit. You have a starting balance of 70 gold. Buy a small amount of life energy from the [[Special:MyLanguage/Stadt|city]] at the [[Special:MyLanguage/Warenhändler|goods dealer]] so that you are prepared in case of an enemy attack. If you want to start training your stats to 6, you shouldn't do any more, so that you have about 15 gold left. The next step now would be a [[Special:MyLanguage/Kämpfen|Fight]].

=== Raubzug ===
=== raid ===

Nachdem du die paar Eigenschaften gesteigert hast, gehst du über "[[Special:MyLanguage/Raubzug|Raubzug]]" sofort zur Gegnersuche. Dort gibst du einen Namen aus deiner "Opferliste" ein und suchst den Gegner und greifst ihn dann an. Mit ein wenig Glück solltest du gewinnen. Aber auch eine Niederlage ist nicht tragisch, denn jetzt hast du erst mal eine Stunde Schutz vor deinen Gegnern. Das ist wichtig, damit dir keiner dein Gold rauben kann, was du in der nächsten Zeit mit der [[Special:MyLanguage/Menschenjagd|Menschenjagd]] verdienen wirst.
After you have increased the few characteristics, you go to "[[Special:MyLanguage/Raubzug|Raid]]" immediately to the opponent search. There you enter a name from your "victim list" and search for the opponent and then attack him. With a little luck you should win. But even a defeat is not tragic, because now you have one hour protection from your opponents. This is important so that nobody can steal your gold, which you will earn in the next time with the [[Special:MyLanguage/Menschenjagd|Manhunt]].

=== Menschenjagd ===
=== manhunt ===

Jetzt, nachdem du die "Kampfpause" abgewartet hast, kommen wir zum wichtigsten in der MonstersGame-Welt: Die [[Special:MyLanguage/Menschenjagd|Menschenjagd]] (MJ).  
Now, after you have waited for the "battle break", we come to the most important thing in the MonstersGame world: The [[Special:MyLanguage/Menschenjagd|Manhunt]] (MJ).  
Mit der MJ bekommst du Erfahrungspunkte, [[Special:MyLanguage/Gold|Gold]] und Fleisch/Blut, wobei Fleisch/Blut nur für deinen Platz in der Highscoreliste verantwortlich ist. Als normaler Spieler hast du täglich 60 Minuten Menschenjagd zur Verfügung. Du solltest auf keinen Fall die kompletten 60 Minuten auf einmal machen. Jage immer nur in 10-Minuten-Schritten. Wenn du das machst und das 6-mal, dann schöpfst du die Menschenjagd in der Regel am besten aus.
With the MJ you get experience points, [[Special:MyLanguage/Gold|Gold]] and meat/blood, where meat/blood is only responsible for your place in the highscore list. As a normal player, you have 60 minutes of manhunting available every day. You should never do the whole 60 minutes at once. Always hunt in 10-minute increments. If you do that and do that 6 times, you will usually make the most of the manhunt.
Nachdem du dreimal, also 3x10 Minuten, auf Menschenjagd warst, könntest du mit ein wenig Glück bereits auf Level 2 sein. Gehe daher nun auf "Status" und investiere ein wenig Gold in deine Fähigkeiten. Es sollten wieder rund 20 Gold übrig bleiben. Jetzt ist es wieder an der Zeit gegen einen Gegner kämpfen, um deinen Stundenschutz aufrecht zu erhalten. Such dir wieder einen Gegner aus deiner Liste, und greif ihn an. Danach hast du wieder eine Stunde Ruhe vor Gegnern (egal ob du gewonnen oder verloren hast).
After you have been on a manhunt three times, i.e. 3x10 minutes, with a little bit of luck you might already be on level 2. So now go to "Status" and invest a little gold in your skills. There should be about 20 gold left again. Now it's time again to fight an enemy to keep your hour protection. Again, choose an opponent from your list and attack him. After that you will have one hour's rest from opponents (no matter if you won or lost).

=== Nächste Schritte ===
=== Next steps ===

Dann gehst du weiter im 3x10 Minuten-Rhythmus auf MJ. Bis du Level vier erreicht hast, kannst du das Gold zunächst in deine Fähigkeiten rein stecken, dann legst du es am besten in eine Waffe an. Mit [[Special:MyLanguage/Level-UP|steigendem Level]] bekommst du dann bessere Waffen, Rüstungen, Wächter und Ringe. Was dabei nun das beste ist, bleibt jedem selber überlassen.
Then you continue on MJ at 3x10 minute intervals. Until you reach level four, you can put the gold into your skills first, then you can put it into a weapon. With [[Special:MyLanguage/Level-UP|Level-UP]] you will then get better weapons, armor, guards and rings. What is best for you now is up to you.
Hier aber schon mal ein Hinweis: Kauf dir auf jeden Fall Heiltränke auf Reserve, du wirst diese nach dem Einloggen sehr wahrscheinlich brauchen. Denn wenn du nicht im Stundenschutz bist, wirst du oft von stärkeren Gegnern angegriffen, und deine Lebensenergie (LE) ist so gering, dass du nichts mehr tun kannst.
But here's a hint: Buy healing potions on reserve, you will probably need them after logging in. If you are not in hourly protection, you will often be attacked by stronger enemies and your life energy (LE) is so low that there is nothing you can do.

=== Nach der Menschenjagd ===
=== After the manhunt ===

Nach der absolvierten MJ kämpfst du entweder noch ein wenig weiter, oder du gehst auf dem [[Special:MyLanguage/Friedhof|Friedhof]] arbeiten. Dorthin gelangst du über die Stadt. Am besten solltest du dein Monster immer arbeiten schicken, wenn du nicht am Computer sitzt. Du musst nicht warten, bis die Kampfsperre vorbei ist, du kannst sofort nach einem Kampf arbeiten gehen.
After completing the MJ, you either fight a little bit more, or you go to work at the [[Special:MyLanguage/Friedhof|graveyard]]. There you get there via the city. It is best to always send your monster to work when you are not at your computer. You don't have to wait until the battle block is over, you can go to work immediately after a battle.

=== Der nächste Spieltag ===
=== The next matchday ===

Wenn du dich am nächsten Tag erneut einloggst, kann es wie gesagt sein, dass deine LE nur noch knapp über 1 ist. Dann nimmst du deinen gekauften Heiltrank, kämpfst wieder gegen einen kleinen Gegner und beginnst deine Menschenjagd. Je besser deine Eigenschaften werden, desto stärkere Gegner kannst du angreifen, und mit Glück auch mehr Gold erbeuten (im Falle eines Sieges klaust du dem Gegen 5 - 10 % seinen Bargoldvermögens, er dir im umgekehrten Fall auch, also Vorsicht mit viel freiem Gold, so was [[Special:MyLanguage/Goldesel|spricht sich herum!]]).
If you log in again the next day, it may be that your LE is only just over 1, as mentioned above. Then you take your bought healing potion, fight again against a small enemy and start your manhunt. The better your characteristics become, the stronger your opponent can attack you, and with luck you can get more gold (in case of a victory you steal 5-10% of his cash gold fortune from the opponent, he steals it from you in the opposite case, so be careful with a lot of free gold, so [[Special:MyLanguage/Goldesel|word gets around!]]).
Denke aber im Lauf des Tages daran, dir wieder einen Heiltrank zu kaufen!  
But remember to buy a healing potion again during the course of the day!  

=== Tipps ===
=== Tips ===

*Solltest du einmal auf einen teuren Gegenstand sparen, und man greift dich ständig an, weil du soviel Gold hast, ist es sinnvoller  für das Gold kleine/billigere Gegenstände zu kaufen, und wenn du davon genug hast, alles auf einmal verkaufen, um den teuren Gegenstand kaufen zu können. Du machst zwar 50 % Verlust, aber deine Gegner bekommen kein Gold.   
*If you should save once on an expensive item, and you are constantly attacked because you have so much gold, it makes more sense to buy smaller/cheaper items for the gold, and if you have enough of it, sell everything at once to be able to buy the expensive item. You will lose 50%, but your opponents will not get any gold.   

*Du kannst auch wenn du das nötige Level hast dein Gold in der Arena Bunkern [[Special:MyLanguage/Gold_Sichern#Arena_als_Spardose|Arena Spardose]]
*You can also if you have the necessary level your gold in the arena bunkers [[Special:MyLanguage/Gold_Sichern#Arena_als_Spardose|Arena Money Box]]

*Dir wird mit der Zeit aber auffallen, dass du es nicht schaffst besser als einige Spieler zu werden oder du sogar eingeholt wirst. Das liegt dann wahrscheinlich daran, dass sie [[Special:MyLanguage/Premiumaccount|Premiumtickets]] haben und du nicht. Wenn du dir ein solches zulegst, hast du diverse Vorteile, die äußerst nützlich sind. Zum Beispiel die doppelte Zeit an Menschenjagd.
*But you will notice over time that you don't manage to become better than some players or even get caught up. That's probably because they have [[Special:MyLanguage/Premiumaccount|Premiumtickets]] and you don't. If you get one, you have several advantages that are extremely useful. For example, double the time spent hunting humans.

== Siehe auch ==
==== Tips to bag lots of gold====

==Find active players==
*[[Special:MyLanguage/Gold Sichern]|Gold Sichern]
There is also the possibility to identify active players and thus get the probability of high loot.
1. find your opponent and open his profile
2. click on attack
[[Datei:Fightübersicht1.png|150px|thumb|center|attack profile]]
3. watch the experience points bar of your opponent by refreshing the page as well.
The experience points have jumped? then he might be hunting people.
[[Datei:Fightübersicht2.png|150px|thumb|center|Attack Profile EXP have increased]]
4. now press attack at the bottom
If you're lucky, it wasn't secured and you got a lot of gold :)
Video tutorial:
<youtube width="200" height="150">mV_KbHBDm0k</youtube>
== See also ==
*[[Special:MyLanguage/Sicherungskampf|Security fight]]
*[[Special:MyLanguage/Gold Sichern|Save Gold]]
*[[Special:MyLanguage/Übersicht gebräuchlicher Abkürzungen|Übersicht gebräuchlicher Abkürzungen]]
*[[Special:MyLanguage/Übersicht gebräuchlicher Abkürzungen|Overview of common abbreviations]]

[[Kategorie:Fragen zum Spiel]][[Kategorie:FAQ]]
[[Kategorie:Fragen zum Spiel/en]][[Kategorie:FAQ/en]]
[[Category:Questions about the game]][[Category:FAQ]]

Aktuelle Version vom 20. Juni 2023, 19:48 Uhr


A small beginner guide for MonstersGame by Lûc Antro , adapted and updated by Zeta and Patti, this list is up to date ;)

Before registration

Before you sign up for MonstersGame (MG), there are a few things to consider. Therefore it is best to read this manual first.

You should know that in this game you fight as Werwolf/Vampire against vampires/werewolves. That means regardless of whether you attack someone or not, you will be attacked often. You will sometimes be attacked by powerful enemies that you are not up to. This also partly depends on how long the Server has been around on which you log in and then play. But then don't lose heart.

The first steps

Shortly after registering, you can be attacked, because there is no beginner protection on MG (on newly started servers or worlds). And a strong opponent can directly knock you out. Therefore, the first steps are very important and should be carried out quickly, directly after registration. Therefore, look for potential opponents for a Security fight from the Highscore. Sort the highscore in reverse order by level (click twice on "Lvl") and pick a few players of the opposing race at level 1 (usually recognizable by (booty: 0.00 liters of blood)). Click on their names, look at their Values. All at 5? Very good, make a note of these opponents. They should be two hands, because you may not be able to attack your opponent. Everyone can only be attacked once an hour. This is important for you too, but more about that later.

Search for enemies

The first step you should take after registration is to train your values. Everyone has their own preferences here, so tips are not very useful. Just increase your values as you see fit. You have a starting balance of 70 gold. Buy a small amount of life energy from the city at the goods dealer so that you are prepared in case of an enemy attack. If you want to start training your stats to 6, you shouldn't do any more, so that you have about 15 gold left. The next step now would be a Fight.


After you have increased the few characteristics, you go to "Raid" immediately to the opponent search. There you enter a name from your "victim list" and search for the opponent and then attack him. With a little luck you should win. But even a defeat is not tragic, because now you have one hour protection from your opponents. This is important so that nobody can steal your gold, which you will earn in the next time with the Manhunt.


Now, after you have waited for the "battle break", we come to the most important thing in the MonstersGame world: The Manhunt (MJ). With the MJ you get experience points, Gold and meat/blood, where meat/blood is only responsible for your place in the highscore list. As a normal player, you have 60 minutes of manhunting available every day. You should never do the whole 60 minutes at once. Always hunt in 10-minute increments. If you do that and do that 6 times, you will usually make the most of the manhunt. After you have been on a manhunt three times, i.e. 3x10 minutes, with a little bit of luck you might already be on level 2. So now go to "Status" and invest a little gold in your skills. There should be about 20 gold left again. Now it's time again to fight an enemy to keep your hour protection. Again, choose an opponent from your list and attack him. After that you will have one hour's rest from opponents (no matter if you won or lost).

Next steps

Then you continue on MJ at 3x10 minute intervals. Until you reach level four, you can put the gold into your skills first, then you can put it into a weapon. With Level-UP you will then get better weapons, armor, guards and rings. What is best for you now is up to you. But here's a hint: Buy healing potions on reserve, you will probably need them after logging in. If you are not in hourly protection, you will often be attacked by stronger enemies and your life energy (LE) is so low that there is nothing you can do.

After the manhunt

After completing the MJ, you either fight a little bit more, or you go to work at the graveyard. There you get there via the city. It is best to always send your monster to work when you are not at your computer. You don't have to wait until the battle block is over, you can go to work immediately after a battle.

The next matchday

If you log in again the next day, it may be that your LE is only just over 1, as mentioned above. Then you take your bought healing potion, fight again against a small enemy and start your manhunt. The better your characteristics become, the stronger your opponent can attack you, and with luck you can get more gold (in case of a victory you steal 5-10% of his cash gold fortune from the opponent, he steals it from you in the opposite case, so be careful with a lot of free gold, so word gets around!). But remember to buy a healing potion again during the course of the day!


  • If you should save once on an expensive item, and you are constantly attacked because you have so much gold, it makes more sense to buy smaller/cheaper items for the gold, and if you have enough of it, sell everything at once to be able to buy the expensive item. You will lose 50%, but your opponents will not get any gold.
  • You can also if you have the necessary level your gold in the arena bunkers Arena Money Box
  • But you will notice over time that you don't manage to become better than some players or even get caught up. That's probably because they have Premiumtickets and you don't. If you get one, you have several advantages that are extremely useful. For example, double the time spent hunting humans.

Tips to bag lots of gold

Find active players

There is also the possibility to identify active players and thus get the probability of high loot.

1. find your opponent and open his profile 2. click on attack

attack profile

3. watch the experience points bar of your opponent by refreshing the page as well. The experience points have jumped? then he might be hunting people.

Attack Profile EXP have increased

4. now press attack at the bottom

If you're lucky, it wasn't secured and you got a lot of gold :)

Video tutorial:

See also