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Version vom 7. Mai 2023, 12:26 Uhr von Patti (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Underneath you can determine whether you can fight with (or without) guards, equipment and/or ancestor abilities.“)
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Short introduction

In the arena, you can compete against several players, including players of your own race.


Your character will participate in the arena fight exactly as it was at the moment you signed up for it. Subsequent changes do not affect the arena fight. arena fight. This includes skill changes, armour and weapon changes, guardian changes and ancestor skills. Potions generally do not work in the arena! Changes, Changes made AFTER you sign up for the arena will not affect the fight - for example, if you sign up for an arena with guards but don't have a guard, you will not be able to fight until after you sign up. but do not own a guardian, but buy one afterwards, it will NOT be taken into account in the fight. The same applies to weapons, armour and of course your skills.

Arena overview

With the update, the overview has been changed somewhat:

(Colours differ slightly from game)

If you lack gold for an arena match, the entry fee will be shown in red in the overview. If you do not meet the skill requirements, these will also be highlighted in red. highlighted in red.

The submenu in the arena has also changed. There is now a clearer distinction between duels and tournaments (i.e. fights with more than 2 participants). Therefore, next to the general overview, which lists all arena fights, you will now find the items "Tournaments" and "Duels". Only the corresponding battles are displayed here. The points "Start new tournament" and "Start new duel" are also separate.

Arena details

Clicking on the arena name or the word "Details" on the right-hand side will take you to the overview of a particular arena.

Here you will find not only the registration deadline for this fight, the entry fee and the skill requirement (skill range), but also whether this arena fight will include the equipment, the guards and / or the ancestor skills are included in this arena fight. More on this later.

Below you will find the players who have registered so far.

Open Arena

Here again you will find the separation between tournament (more than 2 players) and duel (exactly 2 players). As you will notice, you now have many more possibilities to configure an arena match (whether tournament or duel) when creating it. Remember, however, that you will not be able to make any changes later. Among other things, you can set whether the equipment, the guards and the ancestor skills should be included in the fights. Of course, a player can also take part in an arena without guards, for example, in which the guards are allowed to fight. Of course, this player will then have a correspondingly difficult time.

In the duels, it is also possible to start a "just-for-fun" duel. This does not cost any gold, but there is no reward for it either, no gold, no experience, no arena points.

Name of the arena match

Here the arena is given a name.

Number of participants

For tournaments, the creator can choose between 2 and 5 participants per team. For duels, the number of participants cannot be changed.

Participation fee

The participation fee is the fee you have to pay to participate in an arena match or to start one. The amount is set by the creator from three options and applies to all participants.
For duels, it is also possible to start a free duel. However, there is nothing to win there.

Registration deadline

The waiting time until a fight can be up to 7 days. Arena fights always take place at 21:00 on a given day. If the arena is full, it will be held on the next possible date. If not all necessary players are registered when the registration deadline is reached, the arena fight will be terminated and the participation fee will be credited back to you. Arena creation before 21:00 will count for the same day, after 21:00 will count for the following day.

After the arena fight, you will receive a notification and can view the fight either via messages or directly in the arena area.

Skill area

The skill range limits the circle of participants in a fight so that there are no unfair fights between very weak and very strong players. The creator can choose between three ranges. In order to enable players with very high skills to participate, the three areas have been designed dynamically.
These requirements correspond to the average of the status values (strength, defence, agility, endurance and dexterity). If they are within this range, you can register for this arena fight.

      (Strength + Defence + Agility + Stamina + Dexterity) / 5

Your skill average is displayed on the status page under your skills.

Here is an example:

Underneath you can determine whether you can fight with (or without) guards, equipment and/or ancestor abilities.

Log in to an existing arena

Of course you can also register for an existing arena as usual. As soon as an arena has been created in which you can participate due to your skill average, a number will appear behind the link to the arena. This shows how many arenas you can potentially participate in. This function can now be switched off on the profile page. These arenas are always at the top. If you call up such an arena, the following information will be displayed:

Closing date for registration until xx.xx.xxxx at 21:00:00
Entry fee (is no longer level-dependent, but is determined by the arena creator)
with equipment? (yes/no)
with guards? (yes/no)
with ancestor abilities? (yes/no)

The seats are displayed underneath. Occupied places are shown with the character picture and the corresponding account name. If you click on such a name, you will be shown a character overview with the data relevant to the arena that was saved at the time of registration.

Empty seats are displayed as follows:

Simply click and the following message should appear:

        You have successfully registered with the Arena Master!

If you then call up arenas that are not yet fully occupied, the empty seats will be displayed as follows:


If an arena match has taken place, you will receive arena and experience points, except for free duels, and gold if you win.

1. Experience Points: The number of EP depends on the number of participants. For example, in duels it is 2 EP. In tournaments it is 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 EP.
2. Arena points: You can read about how arena points are made up a little further down.
3. Gold: If your team has won, you will be credited with double the entry fee as a victory bonus.

Arena statistics

In your profile you can set that your arena statistics are shown on the status page. Next to the value of how often you have taken part in fights, you can see there: 1. your victories/defeats/draws 2. how many arena points you have 3. your arena rank

The moon symbolises your effectiveness. The fuller the moon, the more effective you are.

Arena points

Regardless of your level and the size of the arena, you will receive arena points for each arena match you participate in. Basically, each participant of the winning team gets 300 arena points and each participant of the losing team gets 100 arena points. However, so that you don't make the fights too easy for yourself, this only applies in principle. Depending on how strong or weak a team was in the comparison, it gets more or less points. If the superior team wins, it gets less than 300 points. If the weaker team loses, it gets more than 100 points. But if the weaker team wins, it gets more than 300 points. In a fight, the more your skill average is above the skill average of the others, the less points the team you are on gets. Keep this in mind when choosing an arena to enter!

On the other hand, you have to make sure that your reputation as a great arena fighter is not forgotten... because it is weakening a little every day. So don't be surprised don't be surprised if you suddenly have a little less Arena Points than you did the day before! This regular decline in Arena Points, the fading of your fame, affects all players equally. So you can't rest on your laurels if you really want to keep your place among the best arena fighters on your server...

Arena rank

Every player who has at least 500 arena points is automatically rank 10. In contrast, rank 1 only exists once per server. The player with rank 1 is therefore currently the best arena fighter on the entire server.

Die Ränge dazwischen werden dann gestaffelt verteilt: Auf jedem Server gibt es maximal 5 Spieler mit Rang 2. Rang 3 gibt es normalerweise öfter, wobei die genaue Anzahl wie bei den Rängen 4-9 auch von der Anzahl der Spieler auf dem Server abhängt.

Um einen bestimmten Rang zu erreichen, müsst ihr aber auf jeden Fall eine bestimmte Arenapunktezahl haben. Sinkt eure Punktezahl unter diese magische Grenze, sinkt auch euer Rang. Bitte bedenkt, dass euer Rang auch sinken kann, wenn eure Arenapunktezahl gleich bleibt, die anderen Spieler aber besser werden. Das liegt daran, dass eben pro Server nur eine bestimmte Anzahl Spieler einen bestimmten Rang innehaben kann. Gerade um die hohen Ränge werdet ihr wohl hart kämpfen müssen.

Kurze FAQ

Hier eine kleine Kurzfassung der Arena FAQ. Der eigentliche FAQ-Thread befindet sich hier. Er wird noch immer erweitert und ist bisher noch nicht fertig.

Kämpft der Wächter in der Arena mit oder nur der Spieler allein?
Je nach Einstellung des Erstellers werden die Kämpfe mit oder ohne Ausrüstung, Wächter oder Ahnenfähigkeiten ausgetragen!

Der Skilldurchschnitt für den Arenakampf, bei dem ich mich angemeldet habe, liegt bei 15 und beginnt bald. Mein Schnitt liegt bei 15. Darf ich in der Zeit bis zum Kampf skillen?
Du kannst weiter skillen, bringt aber für den Kampf nichts mehr. Bei der Anmeldung werden deine Werte gespeichert und dann beim Kampf berücksichtigt.

Was habe ich von so einem Kampf? Gold? Erfahrung?
Du kannst Gold gewinnen, aber natürlich nur, wenn du im siegreichen Team bist. Arena- und Erfahrungspunkte bekommst du immer. Bei kostenlosen Duellen sind weder Gold, Arenapunkte oder Erfahrung zu gewinnen.

Wird der Arena Gewinn / Verlust in der Statistik hinzu gerechnet?
Nein, auf Wunsch der User werden die Kämpfe nicht in die Statistik mit einfließen.

Wann wird das Gold ausgezahlt? Gleich nach dem Arenakampf oder erst eine Stunde später? Oder wie?
Du musst das Gold erst in der Arena abholen. Es liegt also nicht ungeschützt herum.

Wie werden die Teams im Kampf zusammengestellt?
Die Teams beim Start eines Kampfes werden zufällig zusammengewürfelt, das heißt, dass man es nicht beeinflussen kann.

Gibt es ein Unentschieden in der Arena? Wenn ja: Was passiert dann?
Ja es gibt ein Unentschieden bzw. es kann zu einem Unentschieden kommen. Bei einem Unentschieden gilt dann bei den Gold und Erfahrungspunkten:

Arena Rückerstattung

Arena-Berichte für Gold-Rückerstattungen sind keine wirklichen Nachrichten, also kann man diese auch nicht lesen. Aber es ist möglich diese als "gelesen" zu markieren und somit sind auch diese Nachrichten nicht mehr als "Neu" gekennzeichnet.